Zombie Apocalypse Maze

In the case of a zombie apocalypse, it is essential to have your priorities straight. You must know what to avoid (abandoned buildings, fires, and zombies) and what to find. In this game, players get a chance to use their quick thinking and reflexes to drive their car through a zombie apocalypse. They must pick up others who need help while collecting medical kits and other resources and avoiding any hazards at all costs. Here is a link to a video of the gameplay.

I used EZGraphics in order to create this game, and I learned a lot about Object Oriented Programming. It was interesting to me how you could essentially create a virtual object and assign any properties to it. I had fun thinking about a theme for the game that would allow me to incorporate my love for horror movies (specifically zombie movies) with the requirements presented to us. While doing this project, I learned how to create and utilize a “random generator” in order to generate the object and obstacles in the game at random locations during every play. I also learned how to utilize keyboard keys in order to control the direction that images travel on the screen. I used this for my “Car” class, which essentially makes sure that the player is able to control the car with the “w”, ”s”, ”a”, and “d” keys. Here is a snippet:

		x = 100;
		y = 50;
		picture = EZ.addImage("truck.png", x, y);
	void move() {
		if (EZInteraction.isKeyDown("w")) {
			y = y - 6;
		if (EZInteraction.isKeyDown("s")) {
			y = y + 6;
		if (EZInteraction.isKeyDown("a")) {
			x = x - 6;
		if (EZInteraction.isKeyDown("d")) {
			x = x + 6;
		picture.translateTo(x, y);

Source: bhavanikay/ZombieApocalypseMaze